March 22, 2010

Love Your Library Card

Ah, Wisconsin State Law Library Card.  How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways.
  1. One is for checking out books, videos, seminar materials, and more.
  2. Two is for getting articles and treatises online from anywhere both I and the internet happen to be.
  3. Three is for borrowing materials by mail
  4. Four is for saving searches in our catalog
  5. Five is for getting my summer thrillers from Prose & Cons
  6. Six is for borrowing from other libraries with Interlibrary Loan
  7. Seven is for...   Well, you'll just have to wait and see!
This spring and summer we will be running a series of short articles on what your Wisconsin State Law Library card can do for you.  Be sure to tune in - and get a library card now to get in on the fun.