July 15, 2012

WSLL Recommends: Bender’s Forms of Discovery

Combining procedural analysis along with sample forms, the 17 volume Bender's Forms of Discovery is a comprehensive guide to discovery in state and federal practice. Volumes 1 – 10A include countless subject specific interrogatory forms contributed by attorneys who have prepared and used them in their practices. Each interrogatory is focused on a single, concise question to "safeguard against evasiveness in answers". Interrogatories are grouped into chapters by subject, with subjects arranged alphabetically. Chapters begin with a scope note providing a brief analysis of the topic, along with references to related subject chapters and to other treatises. Table of contents for individual chapters include detailed entries for each sample form, for easy browsing; volume 10A includes an index to forms.

Volumes 11-17 focus on discovery practice with full coverage of federal discovery law and related state laws, along with practice forms. Noteworthy chapters include those on Civil Rule 26 duty to disclose, medical discovery, depositions, criminal discovery, FOIA, and e-discovery. Individual chapters include bibliographic guides for further research. Volume 12a contains case digests on entry on land and on the production and inspection of documents and things. The set includes charts comparing the discovery rules of the 50 states with federal discovery rules and state rules at variance with federal rules. Volume 17 includes an index to the practice volumes. Bender's Forms of Discovery is available for checkout from the Wisconsin State Law Library.