October 3, 2013

Federal Government Websites Unavailable

Among the thousands of links on our website we link to many different Federal agency webpages - from published reports to consumer helplines. Due to the government shutdown, several of these websites are unavailable or not currently updated. If you have any questions about information you find on our site, please fill out our Ask a Librarian form to send us an email or call us at 608-267-9696.

Some of the sites that are completely unavailable include: the Census Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Trade Commission (and its consumer.gov website), US Department of Agriculture, National Park Service, etc. The Library of Congress' many websites are down except for its legislative information sites Thomas.gov and beta.congress.gov. The Government Printing Office's FDSys government publication website will only be updated with Congressional information and limited Federal Register information.

Other websites are online but not updated including: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Transportation, Department of Labor, etc.

Updates on the shutdown can be found at USA.gov's shutdown information page. They provide a toll free number at 1-800-FED-INFO (1-800-333-4636) for answers to government questions and will continue to staff the phone line throughout the shutdown.