December 25, 2013

Affordable Health Care Act Materials

A recent release from the US Government Printing Office reported that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is the most accessed item in the history of their digital document system, FDSys.

By KVDP (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons
According to their release:

The health care law has experienced approximately 13 million retrievals since the law was passed in March 2010 and nearly 9 million retrievals in the year 2013. GPO launched FDsys in January 2009 to serve as a one-stop site to authentic, published Government information. Today, FDsys has 900 thousand titles available and has experienced nearly 900 million total retrievals.

The library has added several new titles on the Affordable Care Act and health care law to our collection, including Health care reform : now what? and Church and governmental plans.