April 18, 2014

Research Guides for Legal Problems

Without experience under your belt, it can be hard to know where to start on a new research endeavor. Library research guides can be a great place to start since they often tie together treatises, primary law sources, and internet resources in one place. We have created our own Start Here research guides to help you find books and other library materials on a given topic. Our Legal Topics area hosts guides to primarily free internet resources on around 400 topics. (We also include major books and articles). We link to several other library-created guides on our Legal Research Guides page.

Some popular guides from our Legal Research Guides page include:

LibGuides.com can be a great place to search for more library research guides. Over 4,000 libraries post their guides to this website. 

If you are having trouble getting started on your next research project, don't forget to Ask a Librarian for help!