May 12, 2014

DataFerrett Webinar Offered

Big data is everywhere but not everybody has access to tools that can help make sense of it. The US Census Bureau hosts a wide variety of reports on their website but sometimes you need a custom data table. Rather than download one or more datasets from or manually configure your own data table, you can use the US Census Bureau's online DataFerrett tool to parse the information you need.

DataFerrett can be used to search and retrieve data across several federal datasets. Use the data to create and download tables, graphs, and maps. We used it last year to put together a table on Internet use in Wisconsin, which leveraged data from the Current Population Survey. This data can be used for market and economic research, health and housing snapshots, and deep demographic surveys.

A webinar on DataFerrett will be offered by the US Census Bureau on Wednesday, May 14th (noon Central time). Anyone can attend this webinar, but pre-registration is required.