November 5, 2014

New Guide to Researching Wisconsin Legislative History

Because legislative history research can be overwhelming, we distilled the core procedure into a two page, colorful handout on Researching Wisconsin Legislative History. This handout, styled like a children's board game, leads researchers through 8 steps. On the back of the handout we list notes about available date ranges for online and print sources for each step. If you need to do a legislative history, start with this guide for basic pointers and sources to get you started. Ask a librarian for help and for more in-depth education be sure to sign up for our November class.

Researching the legislative history of a Wisconsin statute can be a time-consuming process. Many of our users need help setting goals and getting started. Our two hour CLE credit class on researching Wisconsin legislative history gives an overview of the basic steps and sources. The class also covers rarer research topics like researching the history of a Wisconsin court rule or budget bill. Space is available for this hands-on class on November 11, from 9-11 a.m at the Wisconsin State Law Library training room. Register online today.