April 13, 2015

Happy National Library Week!

Once a year in April, the American Library Association sponsors a week when libraries across the country celebrate the importance of libraries to our communities and democratic society. Here at the State Law Library we will be hosting a few events of our own and we invite you to perk up your research by joining us for any of the following:

Perk Up Your Research! Guessing Game @ The Circ Desk

Drop by the library to guess how many coffee beans are in the French press. The top four guesses will get a prize. Game starts Monday, April 13 at 8 a.m. and ends Friday, April 17 at 5 p.m.

Advanced WestlawNext CLE Class

On Tuesday, April 14 from 12 - 1 p.m., attend an advanced WestlawNext class in our Training Room. Visit our Classes page for more details. In recognition of National Library Week, Thomson Reuters will provide lunch for attendees (this session only). Class size is limited to 8 and there is no registration fee. Register now.

WSLL Takes to the Streets

On Wednesday, April 15, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., two of our reference librarians will staff a booth on MLK Jr. Blvd, just outside the library's doors, to distribute a limited edition bookmark and free coffee. Visitors are encouraged to come into the library for a brief tour and to enter to win a prize (see Perk Up Your Research! above for more details).

Webinar: Introduction to Legislative History

Wind down the week by attending a webinar from 12 - 1 p.m. on Friday April 17. Visit our Classes page for more details or register now.