April 10, 2019

Research support @ your library

One thing we pride ourselves on at our libraries is our ability and willingness to help. Sometimes our users are astonished at this, feeling like they shouldn't be taking up our time to ask a question. We can assure you, we're ready and happy to help!

A book we recently added to our collection, Untangling fear in lawyering, had me thinking about the topic of fear and worry in the law profession. One way we can help attorneys handling an unfamiliar topic is to help with research. We identify books or articles that might discuss the issue or include sample form language. We also have access to specialized databases here in the library that can be useful when researching topics. You don't have to come into the library to get help either - email us our call our reference line (608-267-9696) for quick service from wherever you're located. Consider us your backup belay. With a library on your side, you're never climbing alone.

Attorneys in Wisconsin are eligible for a free library card, which lets them check out books from our three libraries and sign in to databases from anywhere with their card number.