April 8, 2019

Wisconsin Lawyer now on HeinOnline

We're excited to announce that the State Bar's Wisconsin Lawyer magazine is now available in full text on HeinOnline.

Library cardholders can search this publication all the way back to volume 1, when it was called the Bulletin of the Wisconsin State Bar Association. You may find earlier titles cited in cases, the Statutes Annotated, or articles, which include the Bulletin of the Wisconsin Bar Association, and the Wisconsin Bar Bulletin. The Library keeps these issues in print and microfiche, but digital access through HeinOnline means that any of our users can browse these volumes from anywhere in the state.

You can log in to databases with a library card, and print, save, or email articles to yourself. You can also use journal alerts to get updates when every new issue is added.

Ask a librarian for tips on how to use HeinOnline, or for help setting up article alerts.