WSLL Recommends: NCCUSL & National State Law Survey
Two exciting new databases have been purchased by the State Law Library, available through HeinOnline.
NCCUSL - National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
Before the Wisconsin State Legislature votes on a "uniform law," the
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws has spent
at least two years discussing and refining language that is eventually
offered to the states for consideration. The documents produced in
this process - such as issue memos, drafts and final rules are all part
of the online NCCUSL archive on HeinOnline. This valuable database
includes access to the all acts, including new proposals, such as the
Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act (Dec. 2015) and
long-standing laws, such as the Uniform Securities Act (1949).
National Survey of State Laws
Attorneys and researchers often need to compare laws across many states. The National Survey of State Laws
reviews the most popular legal topics and provides statutory
references and brief explanation of the law in each state. Topics
include lemon law, minimum wage, adverse possession, divorce, and gun
control to name a few. Access on HeinOnline includes prior editions, back to 1993.