Among the changes enacted:
- Authorizing the Joint Committee on Finance to transfer $75 million from existing sum sufficient appropriations to emergency use [Sections 1 & 2].
- Increasing debt authorization by $725 million [Section 3].
- Authorizing certain retired state employees in essential health related occupations to resume employment without suspension of retirement payments or annuities for the duration of the emergency [Sections 4-12].
- Authorizing the Department of Administration to transfer state employees from one agency to another [Section 105 (8)].
- Delaying payment deadlines for property tax [Section 21-22d].
- Adopting income tax adjustments enacted by Federal law [Sections 23-29].
- Relaxing certain time limitations on property tax appeals [Sections 30-31].
- Permiting the Department of Revenue to waive certain interest and penalty payments [Section 105 (14)].
- Permiting local governments to suspend interest on late property tax payments until October 1, 2020 [Section 105 (25)].
- Authorizing an expedited approval process for any vaccine for Covid-19 approved by Federal authorities [Sections 15-17].
- Granting an extension for most pharmaceutical prescriptions [Section 87-88].
- Implementing modified Federal medical assistance requirements [Section 105(1)].
- Creating a presumption of work-related injury under the worker’s compensation law with respect to Covid-19 exposure for first responders [Sections 33-34].
- Granting insurance coverage to certain employees returning from leave of absence [Section 82].
- Lifting certain limitations with respect to limited term employees [Section 83].
- Granting leave to certain public employees during the probationary period [Section 84].
- Suspending civil service grievance procedures [Section 85].
- Suspending requirements for renewal of credentials for public health workers [Section 86].
- Granting civil immunity for health care providers [Section 98].
- Granting civil immunity for producers of emergency medical supplies [Sections 99-104].
- Creating provisions for liability insurance for physicians and nurse anesthetists [Section 105(2)].
- Authorizing the issuance of temporary credentials for public health providers [Section 105 (4)].
- Authorizing the Department of Safety and Professional Services to waive credential fees for public health providers [Section 105 (5).
- Authorizing the issuance of temporary credentials for public health providers from other states [Section 105(6)].
- Modifies credential renewal provisions for certain health care providers during the duration of the emergency [Section 105 (16)].
- Regulating insurance coverage for Covid-19 treatment [Section 89].
- Requiring insurance coverage of Covid-19 testing [Section 92].
- Prohibiting insurance discrimination based on Covid-19 [Section 95].
- Requiring health insurers to cover Covid-19 testing until March 13, 2021 [Section 96].
- Requirements for prescription drug coverage with respect to Covid-19 [Section 97].
- Waiving certain reporting requirements for public schools [Sections 53-59].
- Numerous policy waivers for school choice and charter schools [Sections 60-74].
- Providing for virtual instruction for public schools [Section 105 (3)].
- Suspending pupil assessments for public schools for the 2019-20 school year [Section 105 (21)].
- Suspending hours of instruction reporting requirements for private schools for the 2019-20 school year [Section 105 (22)].
- Providing revisions for the school choice program for the 2020-21 school year [Section 105 (23)].
- Providing revisions for the school open enrollment program for the 2020-21 school year [Section 105 (24)].
- Allowing town governments to postpone annual meetings from the statutory or otherwise scheduled dates [Sections 18-19].
- Limiting the return of certain food or consumer products during the emergency [Section 32].
- Creating exceptions to current law regarding the provision of employee records during the emergency [Section 35].
- Revising work-share and unemployment benefit revisions during the emergency [Sections 36-52].
- Requiring the Department of Health Services to create a public health emergency dashboard [Section 77].
- Waiving certain legal requirements for personal appearance during the emergency [Section 80].
- Granting agencies broad authority to suspend the tolling of legal deadlines and suspending interest on government fines and penalties [Section 81].
- Authorizing the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands to make loans to municipal utilities [Section 105 (9)].
- Suspending legislative oversight for certain Federal waiver requests with regard to Covid-19 [Section 105 (10)].
- Requiring Legislative Audit Bureau audit of programs and expenditures related to Act 185 from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 [Section 105 (11)].
- Exempting certain communications from campaign finance law during the duration of the emergency [Section 105 (13)].
- Creating special provisions with respect to corpses of persons who died of Covid-19 [Section 105 (15)].
- Appropriating child care and development block grant funds provided by the Federal emergency legislation [Section 105 (17)].
- Providing that certain local fair organizers remain eligible for aid even if their fair is suspended during 2020 [Section 105 (19)].
- Requiring the Department of Health to develop a pay for performance metric for medical assistance [Section 105 (20)].
- Requiring the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to provide a report on providing support to major industries during the emergency [Section 105 (26m)].
- Requiring the Department of Workforce Development to seek advance payments from the
- Federal unemployment reserve fund through 2021 [Section 105 (27m)].