The first way you can help is by donating your gently used, no-longer-wanted recreational books to our "Fill the Shelves for Shepard's" campaign. Popular genres include contemporary fiction, non-fiction, true crime and mystery but all donations are appreciated. Ask your friends and neighbors to donate, too.
Materials will be accepted through May 2 at the DCLRC, Room L1007 in the Dane County Courthouse.
On May 2, all donated materials will go on sale on Lower Level 1 of the Courthouse from 9 am-3 pm. And that's the second way you can help - invite your friends to join you and buy lots of "new-to-you" books, just in time for summer! Paperbacks will sell for $1.00, hardcovers for $2.00 and there will be a 2-for-1 table. All proceeds will be put toward next year's subscription to Shepard's online at the DCLRC. Any leftover books will be donated to the Juvenile Detention Center, Dane County Jails, or the Legal Resource Center's ongoing pro se book sale.