Library Highlights
December 28, 2009
Libraries Closed: December 31 & January 1
To submit a question to the Wisconsin State Law Library while we are closed, you may call us at 608-267-9696 or Ask a Librarian online. We will respond to questions and requests the following week.
December 21, 2009
Libraries Closed: December 24 & 25
To submit a question to the Wisconsin State Law Library while we are closed, you may call us at 608-267-9696 or Ask a Librarian online. We will respond to questions and requests the following week.
December 18, 2009
Document Delivery Fee Changes
For a complete listing of our copying, printing and document delivery fees, please see this updated chart.
December 14, 2009
New Legal Topic: Discovery
- Discovery and deposition tips;
- Subpoena information;
- Forms from the Wisconsin Court System, Western District Court, and Milwaukee County;
- Relevant statutes and rules.
We are always looking for new links to help visitors find what they need at our site. Visit our Discovery page now and tell us what you think.
December 9, 2009
Madison Libraries Closed: Wednesday, December 9th
December 7, 2009
WSLL @ Your Service: December 2009
Highlights include:
- What's New: Carol Hassler an Unsung Heroes Nominee; WSLL holiday open house; Upcoming library closings; Upcoming classes;
- This Just In...: New and updated library materials on the how-to's of legal practice; Monthly new titles list;
- Tech Tip in Brief: iPhone vs. BlackBerry, the battle for market share among lawyers; Print what you like;
- Odds 'n' Endings: I heard it from; I heard it on Twitter; December notables
November 29, 2009
Upcoming Classes: Social Media, Research Online
- January: Lawyers and Social Media;
- February: Using @ the State Law Library: How Does It Work?;
- March: Watch, Learn, and Listen with WisconsinEye;
- May: Wisconsin Court System Website: New Features, Old Favorites;
November 23, 2009
Libraries Closed: November 26 & 27
November 16, 2009
New Legal Topic: Tobacco & Smoking
- Wisconsin's Clean Indoor Air Act and indoor smoking ban;
- Wisconsin laws for retailers;
- Tobacco and cigarette regulations & taxes;
- Federal tobacco settlement;
- Wisconsin statutes and library resources;
November 4, 2009
WSLL @ Your Service: November 2009
Highlights include:
- What's New: MLRC staff changes, Upcoming library closings, Upcoming class;
- This Just In..: New and Updated library materials;
- Click To It: Using LegalTrac for Article Research;
- Tech Tip in Brief: HathiTrust announces full text search;
- Odds 'n' Endings: November notables
November 3, 2009
After Hours Library Access
A calendar-year subscription includes access to the library from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, and a key fob for convenient entry into the building.
As an After Hours subscriber:
- Gain access to the general library collection
- Use the electronic resources available on our public access PCs
- Make photocopies
- Check out circulating library materials
October 26, 2009
Upcoming Class: Lawyers and Social Media
Are you sold on social media? How are lawyers using blogs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media tools? This class will explore the basics of social media for lawyers and delve into marketing strategies and ethical issues surrounding Web 2.0.
Tuesday, Jan.12
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Fee: $99. 3 CLE credits applied for
Registration is limited to 8.
Pre-register online for this class or print a registration form.
Please tell us what additional classes we should offer! To make a suggestion, contact Heidi Yelk, Reference/Electronic Services Librarian.
October 19, 2009
Library Program Highlights Resources for Attorneys
October 13, 2009
New Judicial Council Indexes Added
Recently, files from the Judicial Council's Appellate Rules committee, as well the large correspondence collection, were indexed and the indexes added to our Judicial Council index page. Browse through the new additions now, or go to the Judicial Council page on our website to search or browse the entire collection.
- Appellate Rules: 1999 Rules of Appellate Procedure Petition
- Appellate Rules: 809.107 Revisions
- Appellate Rules: Amendments to Ch. 809 and § 71.04 (pet 02-01)
- Appellate Rules: Committee Meetings
- Appellate Rules: Petition 00-02
- Appellate Rules: Petition 02-01
- Appellate Rules: Petition 02-01 #53
- Appellate Rules: Proposed Changes
- Appellate Rules: Sanctions
- Appellate Rules: Trailer Petition to Petition 00-02
- Appellate Rules: Vacatur
- Correspondence (PDF)
October 8, 2009
Library Closed: Monday, October 12
October 5, 2009
WSLL @ Your Service: October 2009
Highlights include:
- What's New: Public Library Initiative sessions continue; Upcoming classes in Madison & Milwaukee; WSLL, MLRC & DCLRC will be closed on October 12;
- This Just In...: New & updated library materials, including monthly New Titles list;
- Start Here: A Guide to WSLL Services & Resources;
- Tech Tip in Brief: Firefox Add-Ons;
- Odds 'n' Endings: Notables for October;
September 28, 2009
New Class: Ethics Research via Westlaw
Review Westlaw sources and learn online searching techniques for researching ethics and professional responsibility questions. Westlaw offers many legal ethics databases, including ABA opinions, case law, and Restatements. This hands-on class will provide you with an opportunity to try searching techniques while learning about specialized databases on Westlaw.
Tuesday, Nov. 17, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
FREE Class. 1 Ethics CLE credit.
Pre-register online for this class or print a registration form.
Please tell us what additional classes we should offer! To make a suggestion, contact Heidi Yelk, Reference/Electronic Services Librarian.
September 21, 2009
New Tutorial: Using Quick Search
A basic keyword search requires little explanation - simply enter your terms, choose a search (website or catalog) and click Go!
However, there are tricks for more efficient use of the Quick Search box. Our latest Learning Center tutorial gives a quick overview of how to get the most out of your searches.
Watch Using Quick Search on now!
Do you have an idea for a tutorial? Let us know!
September 14, 2009
LegalTrac: New Look, New Tools
LegalTrac provides access to citations and full text from major legal publications. Search major law reviews, legal newspapers, international publications, law specialty publications, business & general interest, and bar association journals.
While elements such as the subject and publication browse, and advanced search are still prominently located at the top of the screen, more significant additions have been made to the home page and search results.
The quick search now provides immediate options to limit your results to full text, peer-reviewed publications, and documents with images.
The customizable home page features RSS feeds from searches of LegalTrac’s content. Creating an individual user profile allows for modification of the always-updating RSS feeds. A user account also allows for naming and saving any search, setting journal or email alerts, and customizing the new interface.
Search results now include featured multimedia, including videos and pictures. A new set of tools allows you to listen to articles online, or download an mp3 of any full text article for later use.
Finally, the page is crowned with prominent links to get back to the Wisconsin State Law Library’s website, as well as help tutorials and a dictionary link.
Explore the new LegalTrac today! This database is available to Wisconsin State Law Library cardholders. Don’t have a card? Sign up for a card online.
And be sure to Ask a Librarian if you have any questions.
September 8, 2009
WSLL @ Your Service: September 2009
Highlights include:
- What's New: Staff news; Upcoming classes; September is library card signup month;
- A Summertime Reunion Doubleplay - by Jane Colwin, State Law Librarian;
- This Just In...: New and updated library materials;
- Tech Tip in Brief: What's in a Browser?; and A Trick for your Mouse Wheel;
- Odds 'n' Endings: Back to School and Back in Session;
September 4, 2009
Library Closed: Labor Day
August 31, 2009
New Class: E-filing, Supreme Court & Court of Appeals
Attorneys are now required to submit electronic copies of briefs and other documents when litigating matters at the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. In this one-hour session, David Schanker, Clerk of Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, will explain the new rule and provide technical guidance on how to create and file electronic documents. This is an opportunity for attorneys and legal assistants to gain practical skills and an understanding the new e-filing requirements.
Tuesday, Sept. 22, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Cost: $35.00. 1 CLE credit applied for.
Pre-register online for this class or print a registration form.
Please tell us what additional classes we should offer! To make a suggestion, contact Heidi Yelk, Reference/Electronic Services Librarian.
August 24, 2009
Explore Your County's Legal Information
Our County Resources database offers access to county departments, forms, procedural guides, sources for legal assistance, court rules and ordinances.
From the start screen, select a county or leave the drop down at "All Wisconsin Counties". Choose whether you wish to view everything (leave all boxes selected), or whether you would only like to see certain information, like agencies, or forms. Then simply click "Go"!
This database is updated weekly. If you have corrections or suggestions for your county, contact the webmaster.
August 17, 2009
New Landlord / Tenant Links
In a recent visit to the Tenant Resource Center's website, we discovered and added to our website new links to timely move-in information and foreclosure handouts for tenants. Several sample forms are also now online, including checkin and checkout forms and various others for roommate, tenant, and landlord interactions.
Visitors to the Landlord / Tenant page gain central access to guides and forms from government agencies and nonprofit organizations, as well as general discussions on common rental issues. With the launch of our new website in April 2009, we also began including links to useful books, articles, and related pages and terms.
Be sure to check out the following from the sidebar:
Library Resources
Law Review Articles
- Illegal Provisions Void Entire Lease
Wis Lawyer (Mar 2003) - New Law Protects Tenants' Rights in Foreclosure
Wis Real Estate Magazine (May 2009) - Residential Tenants in Foreclosure Act: Protecting Tenants
Wis Lawyer (August 2009)
August 10, 2009
Domestic Partnership Guides & Forms
Accordingly, we have updated our Domestic Partnership legal topic page with new resources.
From the WI Dept of Health Services, we have added:
- Declaration & Termination of Domestic Partnership
- Declaration of Domestic Partnership and Termination of Domestic Partnership Issues - Vital Records FAQ's
- WI Declaration of Domestic Partnership Application
- WI Termination of Domestic Partnership Certificate Application
- 2009 WI Act 28: Domestic Partnership Law
- Same Sex Marriage, Civil Unions, & Domestic Partnerships (National Conference of State Legislatures)
- WI Domestic Partnership Protections Reference Guide (Fair Wisconsin)
August 3, 2009
WSLL @ Your Service: August 2009
Highlights include:
- What's New with staff news, reader comments, and other announcements;
- This Just In features new titles and new editions;
- Tech Tip in Brief discusses zooming features in popular browsers and using Wisconsin Lawyer online;
- Odds 'n' Endings provides notables and government documents resources
July 27, 2009
August Classes @ the Library
We have a new website! Join us for a one-hour class showcasing the design, content and functionality of the new Wisconsin State Law Library website. Get reacquainted with website favorites, such as Legal Topics and article access and learn about new features, such as online document requests, Library Highlights, video tutorials and our county resources database.
Thursday, August 20, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 25, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
FREE Class. 1 CLE credit applied for
Pre-register online for this class or print a registration form.
Please tell us what additional classes we should offer! To make a suggestion, contact Heidi Yelk, Reference/Electronic Services Librarian.
July 20, 2009
Code of Federal Regulations Archive
While you are exploring the CFR archives, check the HeinOnline Wiki, which includes a resource page on the CFR. The resource page includes a quick guide, FAQs, and how-to's.
The Wisconsin State Law Library subscribes to HeinOnline and offers it free as a service to our users. Authorized library cardholders can access it from any Internet-equipped device.
Access the CFR now! Simply enter your name and library card number as prompted. If you aren't able to access HeinOnline remotely, visit the Wisconsin State Law Library, Milwaukee Legal Resource Center, or the Dane County Legal Resource Center, where it's available on all public computer workstations.
Sign up for a library card by visiting one of our libraries, or fill out our online application form.
July 13, 2009
New BadgerLink Journal Access
- Behavioral sciences & the law;
- Contemporary justice review;
- Family Law Update (book);
- Investment Lawyer;
- Legal and criminological psychology;
- Modern Family Law: Cases and Materials (book);
- Pension Benefits;
- UNLV gaming research & review journal;
July 6, 2009
WSLL @ Your Service: July Issue
In this issue:
June 28, 2009
Upcoming Classes - Register Now!
We have a new website! Join us for a one-hour class showcasing the design, content and functionality of the new Wisconsin State Law Library website. Get reacquainted with website favorites, such as Legal Topics and article access and learn about new features, such as online document requests, Library Highlights, video tutorials and our county resources database.
Thursday, August 20, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 25, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
FREE Class. 1 CLE credit applied for
Pre-register online for this class or print a registration form.
Using Westlaw at the State Law Library
Come learn about FREE Westlaw at the Wisconsin State Law Library! This class will showcase WestPack, a Westlaw service offered on the library's public access computers. This service includes free searching of state and federal primary law - cases, statutes, codes and legislation. Library patrons also have access to KeyCite, online forms and treatises, such as McQuillin: The Law of Municipal Corporations; Norton Bankruptcy Law and Practice 2d; Fletcher Cyclopedia of the Law of Private Corporations; and much more. This class will include tips on Boolean and Natural Language searching.
Thursday, September 10, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
FREE Class. 1 CLE credit applied for
Pre-register online for this class or print a registration form.
Please tell us what additional classes we should offer! To make a suggestion, contact Heidi Yelk, Reference/Electronic Services Librarian.
June 22, 2009
Warm Sunshine and a Good Book
Here are some of our recent additions:
Assistant district attorney Alex Cooper and her crew are drawn into the strange and privileged world of rich collectors, eccentric library trustees, and the treasures of the great New York Public Library after a librarian disappears and a woman's corpse turns up in the missing librarian's abandoned apartment.
Six crime stories featuring Alvirah Meehan, a former cleaning woman using the $40 million won in a lottery to sleuth for justice. Also appearing is her ex-plumber husband, Willie.
Deputy Sheriff Claire Watkins is faced with a difficult case when a friend of the family is suspected of killing his wife. Her investigation puts a great stress on her relationship with her husband. Things are further strained when the suspect attempts suicide, solidifying his guilt in Claire's mind. But what if she's wrong?
O'Connor is caught in the middle of a gang dispute between the Aurora Anglos and the Ojibwe Reservation Red Boyz, a situation that turns deadly when the Red Boyz leader and his wife are found murdered.
Includes the first and last case of the popular character, Miss Jane Marple.
West Wing
This boxed set includes the pilot script and a richly colored episode guide.
Books and audio books in the Prose & Cons Collection circulate for 30 days; videos circulate for 7 days. Eligible borrowers may contact our Reference Staff to check out these and other circulating library materials.
Please keep us in mind as a place to donate gently used legal fiction books, movies and TV shows. We’ll gladly add them to the Prose & Cons Collection for others to enjoy.
June 15, 2009
New Tutorial: Help! I'm Facing Foreclosure
Watch Help! I’m Facing Foreclosure now.
That's not all we've added to the Learning Center, however. With HeinOnline, over 1200 law journals and other legal resources are available at Wisconsin State Law Library locations – and at your home or office. Learn how to use this valuable resource with two of our recent tutorials:
June 8, 2009
RSS Feeds: News Straight to You
Throughout the site, RSS feeds are marked by the following image:
In order to take advantage of RSS, you'll first need to set up an RSS feed reader. A feed reader is the “mailbox” that receives all of your feeds. Latest-edition Internet browsers such as Firefox 3 and Internet Explorer 7 or 8 come with feed readers built in and ready to use! Many people use the free feed readers that are available on popular websites such as Bloglines, Google Reader, or My Yahoo! Others might use their favorite email client, or a dedicated RSS feed reader program. For more help finding the right RSS feed reader for you, see the RSS Compendium's extensive list.
To get started, try this handy guide to using RSS feeds from our newsletter.
Subscribe now to feeds from
June 1, 2009
WSLL @ Your Service: June Issue
In this issue:
- What’s New – Connie Von Der Heide
- A Brief Tour of – Carol Hassler
- This Just In… – Julie Tessmer
- Tech Tip in Brief – Heidi Yelk
- Odds ‘n’ Endings – Amy Crowder
Westlaw Classes @ MLRC
May 26, 2009
Upcoming Class: BadgerLink
Wednesday, June 24, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
FREE Class. 1 CLE credit applied for
Pre-register online for this class or print a registration form.
May 21, 2009
Library Closed: Memorial Day
May 14, 2009
Westlaw Class - Two Spots Remain: Wednesday, May 20
Using Westlaw at the State Law Library
Wednesday, May 20, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
FREE Class. 1 CLE credit applied for.
Pre-register online for this class or print a registration form.
May 10, 2009
Explore the New!
With its natural colors and clean lines, the site reflects the aesthetics of the library. Along with a new style, the website features accessible and neatly arranged information.
Tour our enhanced legal topic pages, browse through our new county resources database, and explore online document request forms. Use our tutorials and research guides in the learning center or contact us with your legal research questions today!
We always appreciate comments from our users. Tell us what you think about our new site!
May 4, 2009
WSLL @ Your Service: May Issue
In this issue:
- New Website Sneak Peek
- What's New: upcoming classes and other library news
- MLRC News
- National Library Week @ DCLRC
- This Just In... : new and updated library materials
- Tech Tip in Brief: Free markup tool for PDF documents; Twitter and the TinyURL; Reader Comment
- Odds 'n' Endings: sources of early Wisconsin law and legal history
April 27, 2009
Wisconsin Briefs & Using Westlaw at the State Law Library
Wisconsin Briefs Online
Wednesday, May 13, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Streamline your search for briefs! This class covers Wisconsin Briefs available on the Internet. Learn how to access Wisconsin Briefs on the UW Law Library's website, and gain a basic understanding of how to best use WSCCA in your search for Wisconsin Briefs.
FREE Class. 1 CLE credit applied for. Registration is limited to 8.
Using Westlaw at the State Law Library
Wednesday, May 20, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Come learn about FREE Westlaw at the Wisconsin State Law Library! This class will showcase WestPack, a Westlaw service offered on the library's public access computers. This service includes free searching of state and federal primary law - cases, statutes, codes and legislation. Library patrons also have access to KeyCite, online forms and treatises, such as McQuillin: The Law of Municipal Corporations; Norton Bankruptcy Law and Practice 2d; Fletcher Cyclopedia of the Law of Private Corporations; and much more. This class will include tips on Boolean and Natural Language searching.
FREE Class. 1 CLE credit applied for. Registration is limited to 8.
April 24, 2009
New Website - Tell Us What You Think!
This month the State Law Library will launch its dynamic new website, which makes it even easier to find Wisconsin legal resources. The website offers new features and a fresh, modern and highly functional new look.
We have put together a beta-testing version of our site. Please tell us what you think. Is there anything you particularly like? Is there anything you would like to see changed?
March 20, 2009
New Domain Name:
You may have noticed some changes this week in our newsletter. Look up in your browser’s address bar! We have changed our domain name to the easier-to-remember This change is made in anticipation of our redesigned website, which will launch this spring.
While you will still be able to reach our website using our old domain name (, please take a moment to update any links, favorites, or bookmarks you may have to our new domain name,
The Wisconsin State Law Library website continues to serve as an outstanding resource for the state’s legal community, government agencies, and to members of the public who need easy access to legal information. With the spring launch of our redesigned website, you will see many enhancements.
Not only will it be easier to browse around the site, but we have also enriched our popular Legal Topics to include even more useful information. We are also adding new legal research tutorials and online document request forms, and have set up a database for county legal resources such as forms, legal guides, and government agencies.