In this issue:
We recap National Library Week and the Wisconsin State Law Library's birthday. Plus, learn about library closures in May. Read more
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and the Law in a Nutshell and International Aspects of U.S. Litigation: A Practitioner's Deskbook are our two featured titles this month. As always, don't miss our new book list. Read more
World Password Day is May 4. Experts recommend four steps to protect your digital assets: strong passwords, different passwords for each site, password managers, and multi-factor authentication. Plus, get an introduction to search engine DuckDuckGo. Read more
The most recent election raised issues that the library profession takes very seriously: fake news. Read more
Enjoy a feature photo from our staff and readers. This month we feature the Wisconsin State Capitol and tulip star, a photo by Jaime Healy-Plotkin. Read more