In December and January visitors to the library may have noticed some empty shelves in our Wisconsin section on the second floor. This section underwent a major shift of materials to make more space for our
Wisconsin Appellate Court Briefs collection. 100 empty shelves were eventually freed up for the future expansion of our Briefs collection.
Empty shelves during the shift. |
More room was made for the topic areas between KFW 2460 and KFW 2700, including sections on family and business law. Visitors will notice that the bottom shelves have been left empty on many bookcases due to the large State Bar of Wisconsin Pinnacle binders and conference materials shelved above.
Once nearly empty, the last row of KFW shelves are now full. |
Library Assistant Danni Niles and Gavin Tullis worked hard to shift these materials quickly and carefully. The project was completed in January and all the shelf rows relabeled to reflect the new arrangement.
(Below: Danni Niles and Gavin Tullis shifting the KFW section.)
Are you curious about how we plan and perform shelf shift projects? Check out these blog posts to learn more.